ARTFUL READERS CLUB “WENCH” by Dolen Perkins-Valdez

Here’s MY cover for this book…different from the book’s real cover. THIS cover tells you, immediately, the theme and genre of “WENCH…” historical fiction about our pre-Civil War period…a period that history books cover only so far. It takes place, primarily, at an American resort in Ohio…a northern state where our protagonists, who are slaves, …


Through the inky night A peaceful, star-filled, dark sky Envelops my heart For this week, Sunday Postcard Art ( has asked artists to create a piece with the night sky in mind. This gave me the opportunity to recall when my husband and I traveled far up in northern Canada to experience the Aurora Borealis. …

Artist, Lee McKenna DIGITALMANIA

Australian artist LEE McKENNA loves to create collages. To her, they’re like found paper treasures embracing “imperfections of old, used , discarded and damaged papers…papers that depict moments in time, often bearing marks and traces of a past life and the human hand.” DIGITALMANIA ( art challenge group has introduced us to Lee…to inspire us …

ARTFUL READERS CLUB “The Black Swan of Paris” by Karen Robards

“…A world at war. A beautiful young star. A mission no one expected.” Paris, 1944*** Internationally celebrated songstress, Genevieve Dumont, is both a star and a smokescreen. An active, though unwilling member of an underground French Resistance cell as well as a reluctant darling to the Nazis in occupied France, Mademoiselle Dumont’s position of privilege …


Who am I really? Who am I in others’ eyes? I DO see myself… This week’s task set up by art challenge group SUNDAY POSTCARD ART ( is to create art including a mirror or mirrors. It was a fun challenge… There’s been so much in the news about the horrors of racism…I guess I …

ARTFUL READERS CLUB Review: “The Girls with No Names” by Serena Burdick

Historical Fiction at it’s best, THE GIRLS with NO NAMES by Serena Burdick creates a tapestry of New York City in the early 1900’s. It’s made up of immigrants and the tenements that were their homes on the mean streets of a burgeoning city, of the Romani (gypsies) who camped in the woods near the …