MY LIFE IN 6 WORDS: Art is a celebration of life.

EDUARDO RECIFE, this week’s inspiring artist for art challenge group, DIGITALMANIA, (,) is an artist, illustrator and typographer from Brazil known for his distinct collage style combining vintage imagery, magazine cuts, textures,, stains and many details and symbols…very interesting art. He’s actually one of my favorites. I had fun trying to emulate his style. Here are some of his works…

and here’s what he inspired in me…

Thanks for stopping by. Wishing you a healthy, joy-filled week ahead. Hope to see you next posting.

Big Hugs,


Published by videochick1

I'm a wife, a Mom and a Doodleloo (the name my grandchildren call me.) I'm retired, but have always been a communicator, art and music lover, an adventure traveler, reader and lately, a digital artist. I was a TV producer of documentaries and features for 25 years. Married to my best friend, we just celebrated our 55th wedding anniversary. I had a blog on another platform for 10 years...want to be more mobile so switched to WordPress. Hope you'll join me in my magazine formatted blog. See you soon...

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